Supporting our students
At Briar Road Public School we have 3 support classes for students who require additional learning support. The school also has a satellite Aspect class. The official name of our support classes is ‘Amaroo’, which is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘pretty place’. These classes are designed to specifically cater for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and/or who have Autism. All students within Amaroo have an Individual Education plan, outlining specific goals that are designed in partnership with families at individual levels. Some of the goals may be related to life skills and social skills. All of our students within Amaroo fully participate in whole school activities and events. At Briar Road Public School we are an inclusive school where we celebrate unique differences and empower all of our students to achieve their personal best. This is reflected in learning about or participating in special events such as ‘International day for people with a disability’ and ‘Walk for Autism’. For further information regarding these classes, please contact the school.