Health Examinations
A complete medical and dental check is one of the most important investments parents can make in a child’s academic future. The best preventative is a complete check-up before the child starts school. This would include speech, hearing and vision checks to detect any deficiencies before they develop into learning problems.
Spare Clothing
Parents are requested to pack a spare pair of underwear, socks and an old pair of shorts in their child’s bag in case of an accident at school.
Be Prepared
Letting go on the first day may be harder for you than your child, so don’t let your doubts dampen your child’s enthusiasm. Tension in your voice and manner will make your child fearful as you say goodbye. You should arrive on time and leave after a few cheerful words. Don’t linger as this can cause unnecessary distress or distract children from their group activity.
Encourage Positive Attitudes
You can help build up your child’s confidence in a number of ways. Willingness to try new ideas is an important skill for learning, so before school begins help your child enjoy using words, numbers and colours in games you play together. Encourage your child to do things for themselves, even if the first attempt is not very successful