Briar Road Public School

Courage and Determination

Telephone02 4625 5957

Learning at our school


Briar Road Public School has a strong focus on learning and growth for all students. We offer a rigorous curriculum delivered through expert teachers with lessons contextualised to reflect local content. Our Literacy and Numeracy programs are delivered through Explicit Direct Instruction with embedded differentiation for all students. A number of programs support learning for all students including:  

Explicit Direct Instruction for Literacy and Numeracy including Spelling Mastery and Structured Synthetic Phonics programs.  

Embedded technology to support learning including one to one devices for our Year 2 - 6 students and iPads for K and 1.  

Cultural knowledge development with all students enjoying a curriculum that incorporates learning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and knowledge through cultural lessons in our Koori classroom. We also offer the Dharawal language program. Strong Cultural support for our Aboriginal students through our Koori dance group, Sista and Bro speak programs and in class support. The Tasman Sea school program develops the knowledge of our Pacifika students. 

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 A range of extra curricula opportunities including:

-Public Speaking


-Book Club


-Eco group




-Drumming group 

Stages of learning

There are 6 stages of learning from Kindergarten to Year 12. Primary school covers Early Stage 1, or Kindergarten, to the end of Stage 3.

  • Stage 1 includes Kindergarten to Year 2 (Kindergarten is referred to as Early Stage 1).
  • Stage 2 includes Years 3 and 4.
  • Stage 3 includes Years 5 and 6.